
Merry Whatever...

Wishing you a very MERRY, whatever it is you celebrate!
And a HAPPY New Year!!


Bah Humbug

It's not that I am a Grinch, or anything like that. Christmas should be a beautiful holiday. However the way some people celebrate it, makes me NOT want to join in the festivities with them. I guess it's not my cup of tea to travel around like an insane crazy person, spending money that I don't have, to buy crap that nobody really needs or wants, and give it to people I don't really like.
So this year I am skipping Christmas...there, I said it. Count me out of this one folks. This year as a family we donated to the Toys for Tots...which gives gifts to underprivalged children across the states. The cool thing was that even the kids agreed to it and were not sore about not getting gifts. At least I taught them one thing right, lol. As an added bonus Knott's Berry Farm, here in So Cal was giving free admission to the theme park to those who donated...so a win/win situation.
As the old saying goes...Give and it shall be Given.

I wish you all Peace & Love this Christmas season!!


Time to Thaw Out

So we are finally starting to heat up again here along the So. Cali coast...I must say I am quite HAPPY about this. Mid to upper 70's this week. I may even get a chance to bring the bikinis back out and get some sun on my body which is turning a bit pastey at this point.
