
Thru my Eyes

I walk everywhere...I really do enjoy a good long walk. The fresh air, the sunshine, the peace, the freedom from everyday life. I generally try to explore different routes as I walk the same neighborhood everyday. I find such great imagery no matter which direction I choose, so many great natural & manmade elements to tickle my fancy!! Here are some of my latest discoveries...Do you see what I see?

I have a strange fascinaton with trees. I love the way the trunk & branches tangle together and intertwine with one another...like the arms & legs of lovers.

Often times I am just enamoured with the textures I find on the trunks of different trees.

Of course this one did remind me of a really hard erect nipple.

Nature never ceases to amaze me...love the beauty and images I see amongst the chaos and randomness of the leaves & branches.

Eye or Vagina?

Looks like a man to me, maybe getting ready to take a pee? (yes the photo was inverted so you could see it in the manner in which my mind did)

Lots of eyes staring at me wondering why I am staring at them.

This was discovered while in line at the shop. "SASQUATCH BIG STICK" ... I don't know, I thought Bigfoots meat would be much larger than this.

These dangled nicely.

I loved how this one displayed its natural texture & colors. Some portions raised, others kind of peeled away.

One of my favorite tree trunks to date...layers & layers of peeling & bending wood.

Vines clinging to brick.

When I found a larger portion of the vine I noticed that the leaves are HEART shaped...Aww, how sweet.

Rocks form nice patterns as well.

A chunk missing from the sidewalk...a heart?

Yes another inverted tree...but this one shows either the backside or frontside depending on how you see it.

I walk by this pretty much daily...it just creeps me out, the door being up so high. Looks like a little torture house to me.

Does this really need my input? Okay so I left out the second word on purpose...it originally said ORAL Surgery.

She is definitely naked, with the exception of the wing like things attached at her hips. So why does she get to be nude in public, but not me?

Geez, she's got her tits out too!

I like wrought iron and scroll work as well.

Well there you have it....the things I have found interesting over the last week or so while on walkabout! Thanks for enjoying my walk with me!

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