
Containing Chaos?

Normally when I dive into a painting I like to go with the flow if you will. No preconceived notion of how I think it will turn out. Yes, I have a generalized idea in my mind of colors & feelings I want to put into it but no amount of planning could ever give me a predesigned end result. When you are working with your breasts you have a limited ability of control.....

These next pieces came about due to my more analytical side needing some input into the painting process. I desired to be able to have some control over what went where. At the same time I still wanted to maintain the flow & feel of the chaos.

This collection of paintings range in complexity of design & arrangement as I grew more brave with each new piece I attempted. All of these are on 12x12 flat canvas panels.

#235 "Symmetry"

#236 "Breathe"

#237 "All The Universe"

#238 "It's Complicated"

#244 "Heat Wave"


#234 Warmth

#234 "Warmth"
March 25th 2012

11x14 flat canvas panel

This piece was inspired by all those things that warm you, both inside & out. The sun and the way it radiates and penetrates your flesh, A smile from someone special, a friendly hello.....this piece encompasses all those warm & fuzzy good feelings.


#230 & #231

We had a very cold almost frigid feeling spell awhile ago, so I took advantage of what nature was doing to my nipples. I decided to create a few paintings using only the very erect tips of my frozen like nipples.

#230 "Just The Tip"
A sort of play on words, as I only used the tips and it is a funny little line guys use to get a little sexy time action.

I included the photos of the progression of the piece as well, as it took a bit over 2 hours over several days to complete.

#231 "Stimulation"
This one took a bit more time well over 3 hours of painting over 3 days time.


Trees.......the lovely Chaos

I am always inspired by nature. The randomness and chaos I see in the trees I find beautifully magnificent. Here are some of my latest favourites!!